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Jay, Peter
Road to Riches or The Wealth of Man
London (BCA) 2000. 8vo. 383 sider. Originalbind med originalt vareomslag. Illustrert. Pent eksemplar.
Nr. 28434
Gould, Jean
Robert Frost. The Aim was Song
New York (Dodd, Mead & Company) 1964. 8vo. XI + 302 s. Originalbind. Hilsen.
Nr. 18606
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Rendered in English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. Illustrations by T. Heath Robinson
London/New York u.å. (Ernest Nister/E. P. Dutton) Uten år. 8vo. 148 s. Originalt helskinnsbind med dekor. Helt gullsnitt. Lang hilsen på friblad.
Nr. 44634
Mortimer, JOhn
Rumpole. Selected and introduced by the author. Illustrations by Paul Cox
London (The Folio Society) 1994. 8vo. 362 s. Originalbind i kassett.
Nr. 39396
Osborne, Adam
Running Wild. The Next Industrial Revolution
Berkeley, California (Osborne / McGraw-Hill) 1979. 8vo. 181 s. Heftet, originalt omslag. Illustrert.
Nr. 25333
Yergin, Daniel and Thane Gustafson
Russia 2010 and what it means for the world
New York (Vintage Books) 1995. 8vo. 327 s. Heftet, originalt omslag.
Nr. 25588
Russian Short Stories. Introduced by John Bayley. Illustrated by Roman Pisarev
London (The Folio Society) 1997. 8vo. 386 s. Originalbind i kassett. Pent eksemplar.
Nr. 39420
Scholem, Gershom
Sabbatai Sevi, The Mystical Messiah. 1626-1676
1975 (Princeton University Press) 1975. 8vo. 999 s. Heftet, originalt omslag. Illustrert. Bollingen series XCIII.
Nr. 45293
Kelly, Sam & Rosemary Rogers
Saints Preserve Us! Everything you need to know about every saint you'll ever need
London (Robson Books) 1995. 8vo. 341 s. Originalbind med originalt vareomslag. Illustrert. Pent eks.
Nr. 21959
Bukdahl, Jørgen et al. (editors)
Scandinavia past and present. 3 volumes. Volume 1: From Viking Age to absolute Monarchy. Volume 2: Through Revolutions to Liberty. Volume 3: Five modern Democracies
(Arnkrone) [1959]. 4to. 2153 pp. Original red leather. Decorations on spine. Illustrated. Illustrert.
Nr. 29453
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